DS John Beckford investigates cybercrime as part of the High Tech Crime Unit in London’s Metropolitan Police. When former lover DI Alison Farber arrives with a seized desktop in her possession, Beckford becomes embroiled in a new case: a Ukrainian computer science student who’s blown his head off with a shotgun. And filmed it.
Beckford’s analysis of the hardware uncovers strange anomalies that lead him to suspect the suicide was digitally fabricated and that in fact the Ukrainian was murdered. After an attempt on his life, his suspicions are confirmed, and Beckford soon learns that he’s being digitally framed as the leader of an online child pornography ring… and a murderer.
Now a desperate fugitive in the city with meticulously staged evidence stacking up against him, Beckford not only has to evade the police but a mysterious syndicate of professional hackers who are hell-bent on destroying his life. Will he manage to uncover the conspiracy behind the organisation and clear his name? Or will Beckford end up being ‘removed’ – just like everyone else who gets in their way?